Thursday, September 29, 2011

Great Peach Jam Recipe

We have a peach tree. Some years, we have so much fruit we could bottle 200 qts. At 7 peaches per Qt. - it's amazing how much it produces. Other years, we do well to have a few to eat. This year was somewhere in between. Not all the fruit rippened at once and I wasn't always able to drop everything and bottle peaches.
One thing I used a lot is my mother-in-law's peach jam recipe. By just taking time to prepare the peaches (wash, parboil, skin, slice) on one day and making the jam on another, it seemed a lot more manageable. Now we have wonderful, inexpensive Christmas gifts to give out.
#1 If you do this quick method, you MUST add the full amount of sugar with the peaches. Missing this step will mean you have to start over. You may keep the sugary peaches in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
Here's the recipe (be sure to have your jars ready first):
4 c. ground peaches (I just use the blender to do this, since it acts as a measuring cup too)
5 c. sugar
juice from one orange (if your peaches are really juicy, skip this)
1 ground orange peel (again, I use the blender with about 1/2 of the peaches from above)
Boil these four ingredients for 15 minutes.
**** Cover bottom of a small pan with 1" water. Put on high and add the # of lids you'll need (face down so seal is in water) once water is boiling. This needs to be boiling for at least 7 min, so time yourself. ****
Optional- add 1/2 c. chopped maraschino cherries or dried cranberries.
Boil another 5 minutes (whether or not you added above).
Add 3 oz pkg of orange jello.
Stir in and let jam come to a boil again.
Pour jam into bottles. Makes about 6 cups jam. Will fill (6) 8 oz jelly jars or (3) 1/2 pints.
Clean off upper lip of jar with a paper towel - using a different part of it for each jar. Then put boiled sealing lids on, screw the ring on tight and flip it upside down.
The jam will seal this way - with no further processing!
Just let it cool completely before moving or flipping back over.
Yes!! Gotta love it!!

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