Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Salt Lake area Food Coop

It didn't take them long..there's a new Food Coop replacing the one that just closed. I haven't ordered from them yet, since it just barely started, but I'll let you know how they compare to the Crossroads Community Coop I've done for years. Go to for more info. It looks like this one has the same headquarters and pick ups can be twice a month. The first pick-up is scheduled for March 17th.

Great Yahoo Financially Fit Article - Avoiding Costly Home Repairs

Check out this great article on avoiding costly home repairs...

For a quick overview they cover these major check-ups..
1- Inspect Your Foundation
2- Routinely Unclog Your Gutters
3- Look For Exterior Leaks
4- Inspect Your Roof
5- Change Heating or Furnace Filters
6- Replace Hoses in Laundry Room
7- Remove Build-Up in Your Water Heater

Hope this helps someone out there. Otherwise, it's a great reminder for me to look at later.

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